King Features Syndicate is producing a new animated feature film inspired by the interactive children’s comic strip, Slylock Fox. The film is being developed by Evan Daugherty, who has previously worked on films such as Tomb Raider, The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Divergent, and Snow White and the Huntsman.

The movie will follow the “Sherlock-Holmes-esque detective Slylock Fox and his devoted sidekick, Max Mouse, as they match wits against a cast of eccentric villains.” Daugherty will write and produce the movie.

Slylock Fox was created by Bob Weber Jr. and published by King Features Syndicate, it’s been around since 1987 and “allowed kids to follow Slylock Fox, Mad Mouse and other friendly characters, teaching young readers about interesting topics and encouraging them to use facts, logic, attention to visual detail, lateral thinking and other cognitive thinking skills to solve fun, puzzling mysteries.”

King Features’ President C.J. Kettler said in a statement: “Young readers around the world look forward to solving the fun, interactive brainteasers in Slylock Fox every day and we are thrilled to bring these iconic characters to life on the big screen. Evan Daugherty and Chromosphere Studios both do incredible work and with this partnership we will be able to create an engaging and meaningful story that captures the true spirit of the comic’s mysterious adventures.”

Webber added: “It has been a true joy creating Slylock Fox over the years to bring readers of the comic pages something fun and different with interactive activities centered around core education themes. We look forward to the next Slylock Fox project and know that King Features, along with Chromosphere and Evan Daugherty, will create an exciting, animated adaptation that is sure to captivate our current fans and also reach a whole new audience.”

This should be a fun animated flick for the kids to enjoy.

Source: Deadline

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