Apple released the first trailer for an upcoming rescue thriller mini-series titled Echo 3. The action-packed series stars, Luke Evans, as the brother of a woman named Amber, who is kidnapped in Colombia. He teams up with Amber’s husband to find and rescue her.

Here’s the synopsis:

Echo 3 is based on the award-winning series "When Heroes Fly," created by Omri Givon and inspired by the eponymous novel by Amir Gutfreund. Set in South America, the action-packed thriller follows Amber Chesborough, a brilliant young scientist who is the emotional heart of a small American family. When Amber goes missing along the Colombia-Venezuela border her brother, Bambi, and her husband, Prince — two men with deep military experience and complicated pasts — struggle to find her in a layered personal drama, set against the explosive backdrop of a secret war.

The series was created and showrun by screenwriter Mark Boal, writer of the films The Hurt Locker, Zero Dark Thirty, Detroit, and Triple Frontier. The cast also includes Jessica Ann Collins as Amber, Michiel Huisman (The Haunting of Hill House) as her husband Prince, along with Martina Gusman, James Udom, Maria Del Rosario, Alejandro Furth, Juan Pablo Raba, and Bradley Whitford.

The series has a great and talented creative team and it looks like the kind of high-intensity show that I’d enjoy watching. Apple will release Echo 3 on Apple TV+ starting November 23rd, 2022.

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