The first season of Lucasfilm's Star Wars: Andor recently wrapped and that was one hell of an awesome show! Tony Gilroy developed such incredible shows and told one of the most engaging and interesting Star Wars stories ever.

Rogue One screenwriter Gary Whitta took to social media recently and revealed another cool Star Wars series concept that he developed with his Rogue One co-writer Chris Weitz. Their story would have been set between Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens and it would have followed the Rebel Alliance assembling a Mossad-style team to hunt down Imperial war criminals.

I love this idea! This is basically the story Steven Spielberg told in Munich, but it is set in the Star Wars universe. Whitta shared on Twitter:

I have no idea if this film was actually ever pitched to Lucasfilm, but if it hasn’t been pitched, it’s not too late! If it was pitched and denied, that would have been a bloody shame. This is just such a great concept, one that would make a great series, and a show like Andor could help pave the way for it to happen.

There are so many layers to a story like this, and like Andor, it would be more focused on the people on the ground, people that face difficult challenges, hard choices, and ethical dilemmas. I just like the concept of a talented badass crew of Rebels hunting down Empire scum that are trying to escape the consequences for what they’ve done.

What do you think about this take on a Star Wars series?

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