Quentin Tarantino is currently prepping his final film project, titled The Movie Critic. The story is set in the late 1970s in Los Angeles, and it will center around a lead female character.

It was initially believed that the film would focus on Pauline Kael, “one of the most influential movie critics of all time.” But, Tarantino debunked that claim saying it was not the case.

Now, in a recent interview while on his international book tour for Cinema Speculation, the filmmaker shared an additional detail revealing that his film is based on a real critic. He said:

“There is a lot of speculation as to who it is based on, and yes, he is a real critic, but he is not known…and I am not going to tell you more.”

Tarantino also added that the film “will also not be what you might call a ‘revenge story'”.

One thing that I want to point out here is that when the project was first announced, it was said to revolve around a lead female character, but in this interview, he referred to the character as a “he.” Well, I guess we’ll eventually find out what Tarantino is doing. As of right now, we’ve only got the little bits and pieces that he’s willing to share.

Source: FarOutMagazine

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