Tessa Thompson (Thor: Love and Thunder) and Joseph Gordon-Levitt (Super Pumped) are set to star in an upcoming sci-fi thriller titled Ash. The film is being produced by Neill Blomkamp (District 9) and directed by Grammy-winning musician and filmmaker Flying Lotus a.k.a. Steven Ellison.
The new film centers on a woman (Thompson) who “wakes up on a distant planet and finds the crew of her space station viciously killed, and must then decide if she can trust the man (Gordon-Levitt) sent to rescue her. But as their investigation into what happened sets in motion a terrifying chain of events, he begins to wonder how innocent she really is.”
This seems like a great project for both of these talented actors. The movie is being produced by XYZ Films, and the script was written by Jonni Remmler, and it will go into production in New Zealand next year.
Flying Lotus, who will also create the musical score for the film, said: “It’s an absolute dream come true to collaborate with some of the most talented actors out there!”
GFC’s Founder and Managing Director Matthew Metcalfe and XYZ Films Partner Nate Bolotin added, “We couldn’t be happier for Tessa and Joseph to headline this film, they are both incredibly talented and gifted actors. With Steve at the helm, this is going to be a truly visionary film and we couldn’t be more excited to take the project into production in 2023.”
Source: Deadline
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