We’ve got a trailer for another monster film coming out soon titled All Eyes, which centers on two men who team up to hunt down a giant beast that lives in the woods.
One of these characters is a recently fired podcast host who comes across a story that he feels could revitalize his career. That story involves a recently widowed farmer who “claims there is a monster living in the woods behind his farm. The plan: trap and kill the beast.”
That’s definitely a story that would revitalize his career if it all turned out to be true! That sounds like the kind of adventure I’d love to embark on! I’m all about that kind of stuff! This actually looks like a fun flick that I’d enjoy watching.
The movie was directed by Todd Greenlee and it stars Jasper Hammer, Ben Hall, Danielle Evon Ploeger, Nick Ballard, Laurie Cummings, and Jeremy Par.
The movie will be released in theater on on VOD on September 2nd.
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