We are approaching Halloween and so it’s time to get those spooky Dungeons & Dragons adventures out from storage or start accruing new ones. In fact, I have a new one from Halls of Stone called Drop-In Dungeons: Halloween 2022. This adventure is a 1-2 hour adventure designed for characters leveled 1-4 that can be easily incorporated as a side quest into a larger campaign or as a fun and spooky one-shot. In the adventure, the party must help a swashbuckler remove ghosts from his inn. You’ll get a story hook, maps, a monster sheet, and the encounters.

In this year's adventure, A Haunting at the Dead Man's Cove Tavern, a retired swashbuckler is in need of a band of hearty adventurers to go to the inn he owns near the docks to rid it of a trio of malevolent spirits who have recently overtaken the place. And in the process perhaps solve the mystery as to why these spirits have shown up at this particular inn at this specific time.

You can purchase Drop-In Dungeons: Halloween 2022 from DMs Guild (affiliate link) for $1.

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