It’s no secret that things over at DC have never run as smoothly as they have at Marvel. We’ve gotten some solid films from the DC Universe, but they are hit or miss, and it’s hard to rely upon their quality, whereas Marvel’s are typically good or great, and they promise to build upon what’s been done, and move the universal story forward. This success has been tied to the direction of Marvel’s boss and head executive producer, Kevin Feige, and Warner Bros. has been searching for their own boss to lead the charge of DC in the same way.

Warner Bros. Discovery CEO David Zaslav has been making waves with his recent cancelations of many of the DC and WB properties, many of which were finished and ready to go, but he recently told investors:

“You look at Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman — these are brands that are known everywhere in the world. We have done a reset. We’ve restructured the business where we are going to focus, where there is going to be a team with a 10-year plan focusing just on DC.”

THR reports that Zaslav has been meeting with several prospective candidates to lead the effort, but surprising no one, he has not found a Kevin Feige clone. Some WB employees are wondering why anyone would even want this job, and one leading talent rep told THR:

“Zaslav doesn’t know what he doesn’t know. That’s scary. And you’re always going to be compared to Marvel. It’s unfair. By the time they were being judged, it was working. It’s the exact opposite at Warner. It’s rough all around. Who the fuck would want that job?”

It’s daunting, for sure. Lots of big money decisions are being made, and things are in disarray. It will be interesting to see if anyone steps up to the plate and takes this mess on. I have always hoped that DC could get it together the way Marvel did and run just as smoothly so we could get movies as consistent as we see from the MCU.

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