DC fans have been wanting to see Henry Cavill back in the role of Superman for years. Well, there are rumors and reports spreading like wildfire online over the past couple of days that Cavill is going to play Superman again. Now, before I go any further and get into the details, I’m going to throw up a spoiler warning.

I’ve actually been sitting on this bit of information for a long while, but I wasn’t going to be the one to break it and spoil the fun for everyone. Other people have done that. Insider David Faraci, the former editor-in-chief of "Birth. Movies. Death.," revealed on the Marvelvision podcast that Dwayne Johnson insisted on getting Henry Cavill for a scene as Superman in his Black Adam movie.

Faraci said that Cavill will appear as the Man of Steel in Black Adam's post-credits scene, saying:

“I wanna follow up on a scoop I had that nobody cared about. Okay… Henry Cavill is appearing in 'Black Adam' in the post-credits scene. That scoop, nobody cared about it. It’s just– Nobody gave a shit. In fact, I see today, people on Reddit posting, ‘Do you think Henry Cavill will ever return as Superman?’ It’s like, ‘Yes, motherfuckers. He is.’ I got some more information about this.”

I honestly never saw that scoop. I got my intel from people who actually saw the movie. Faraci went on to say that Cavill came back because Johnson demanded it and this is said to lead to a new Man of Steel solo film!

“Yeah. It’s not, like, specific. It’s all behind the scenes stuff that I thought was kind of fascinating, which is that, the reason why… Henry Cavill has returned as Superman in 'Black Adam' is because The Rock demanded it… Like, he went hard, full court press on Warner Bros., and made them go to Henry Cavill and they had to sign a new deal with Henry Cavill, including saying they were gonna develop a new 'Superman' movie… And it was all because The Rock insisted…”

So, for those of you, like myself, who have been waiting to see Hanry Cavill back as Superman, it looks like your wish has been granted! Are you excited!?

It’s just crazy to me that Dwayne Johnson had to demand this and push to make it happen. Why was the studio fighting against it in the first place!? Those studio execs at Warner Bros. and DC are crazy.

I won’t get into any of the details of the scene that Superman and Black Adam share together, but if you don’t want to wait for the movie to come out, it won’t be hard to find online. It’s everywhere now.

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