A lot of fans believed that Jackass Forever might be the final film in the Jackass franchise, but not so fast. Franchise leader Johnny Knoxville recently confirmed that the future of the film series is still alive and well. And why wouldn’t it be, Jackass Forever was a big financial success for Paramount Pictures. Sure, Knoxville could’ve died, but he’d definitely be taking a step back.

During a recent interview with Variety, Knoxville explained: "We never said whether it was or wasn't [the final film]. That got written somewhere and people ran with it. If we did continue, we would lean on the younger cast more and the old guys would take a little step back but still be a part of it. I would have to step back because my neurologist said I can't have any more concussions."

He went on to say that his bull stunt, which sent him to the hospital, caused a few other stunts to be scrapped. He said: "I had three or four big stunts planned. I don't want to say what they were, but they were on the same level as the bull. Even if I had gotten through the bull, I wouldn't have gotten out of the others. One of them would have taken me out."

I would love to know what those stunts are! But, chances are they are saving them for another film that another person in the crew will have to take on.

When talking about the bull stunt that forced him to retire from head injuries, he said: "It's one of the most serious things I've experienced. Of course, I have fear. But that's more like two or three days out of a big stunt. When it's time to shoot, I just want to go right now. I'll be sitting in my car listening to music. When they're ready to go, they call me in and I go. I think the bull stunt was scarier for other people who saw it. I was out for more than a minute, but for me personally, it wasn't scary. I go to a different place when I'm doing those things."

Yeah, you’d have to go to a different place to pull some of that crap off! These guys are nuts, but I sure do enjoy and appreciate the entertainment they offer.

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