Disney has released the first teaser trailer for Pixar’s upcoming animated film Elemental. This movie follows the journey of the unlikely pair Ember and Wade, “in a city where fire, water, land, and air residents live together. The fiery young woman and the go-with-the-flow guy are about to discover something elemental: how much they actually have in common.”
The teaser puts a focus on Ember as it leads up to her meeting with Wade. I’m pretty sure we’ll get a second teaser soon that puts the focus on Wade. This story centers on two elements who find a friendship in spite of their differences. Ember is a tough and fiery young woman, and Wade is a fun, happy, go-with-the-flow guy.
Actors Mamoudou Athie (Jurassic World: Dominion) and Leah Lewis (Half of It) are voicing the character Wade (water) and Ember (fire), respectively. They previously explained that the movie dives into how two people who are as different as possible can be friends.
The movie is being directed by Peter Sohn (The Good Dinosaur), and he offered some insight into where this idea came from:
“The idea [for Elemental] started with my parents. As immigrants to the U.S. from Korea in the ’70s, they had no family, nothing. But they managed to create a life here in New York and just like them, many people have left their people and families to a new land, with hopes and dreams, all mixing into one big salad bowl of cultures, languages and neighborhoods.
“We were among many families who ventured to a new land with hopes and dreams -- all of us mixing into one big salad bowl of cultures, languages, and beautiful little neighborhoods. That's what led me to Elemental."
Elemental looks like a wonderful new Pixar film, and it’s set to debut on June 16th, 2023.
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