The DCEU has, for lack of a better term, been a hot mess. With some blockbusters really pulling their weight and others tanking, the DC movies have really been a mixed bag. Add to that the cancellation of films like Batgirl and the Zatanna movie, and up to this point, it has been disappointing for me. I’m ready for something new and different with my superhero movies.

I’m sick to death of origin stories, of heroes that you love to see kicking ass instead grappling with learning their powers and the moral dilemmas of when to use them. Let’s get away from the dark, gritty reboots and the over-the-top CGI. I humbly present to you the movie you didn’t even know you needed: a film noir starring Question, Huntress, Black Canary, and Green Arrow.

The story for this movie would be based on the Justice League Unlimited episode “Double Date” in Season 2, the whole episode could be expanded into a phenomenal movie. Huntress goes to Question for help in tracking down Mandragora, the man who killed her parents. In exchange, she promises to tell him about a connection between Lex Luthor and Cadmus, something that he has been searching for for a long time.

The Justice League expels Huntress from the league for her insistence on pursuing her revenge killing and sends Black Canary and Green Arrow guard Mandragora who is in federal custody. Eventually, they all work together to bring Mandragora to justice and in the end Huntress spares him when she sees he has a son. A romance is simmering between Question and Huntress and culminates when it is revealed that Question knew Huntress had no information for him and helped her because he likes her. 

That entire storyline would make an excellent film noir plot. Huntress is the attractive leading lady entering Question’s office needing something from him, but there is obviously a more nefarious purpose for her request. Question himself essentially lives the lifestyle of a noir detective and would make a great leading man.

Black Canary and Green Arrow are excellent at both being a barrier and providing last minute help when the situation gets dire. Each character is confident and more importantly competent. This wouldn’t need any kind of origin story for anyone, no one would need to learn to control their powers or grapple with their lack of skill. This would be a true detective film with some of the brightest minds and deadliest fighters competing against each other. And of course banter. Because what movie like this wouldn’t be complete without the two leads building a flirty repertoire with each other. 

This movie would also stand out amongst a sea of superhero movies. Let’s face it, even with the introduction of the Multiverse by Marvel, big blockbuster superhero movies have all been feeling the same for a while haven’t they? This would be a style that hasn’t been used for superhero movies for a while and would be a refreshing change of pace. It wouldn’t necessarily need to be dark and gritty either in an attempt to stand out. Sure there are a few themes that can be heavy, mainly the ugly revenge cycle, but you can easily balance that with Question and his uncanny ability to make connections that sound crazy but are true in the world. 

The thing that would have to be done though would be more of a reliance on practical effects. Superhero movies have been so dependent on special effects it would be great to not have to depend on them to tell the story. I realize it’s unavoidable in some cases, but I think there would be something special about cutting them back since we are basing the style on an older style of film.

What do you think, would you watch this movie? Because I have wanted this movie ever since I watched the Justice League Unlimited episode. What other kinds of movies would you like to see from DC? I think it’s time to break the mold of superhero movies and try some new things rather than simply introducing new characters. 

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