Brendan Fraser starred as the main villain Firefly in Warner Bros.’ scrapped Batgirl movie, and his portrayal of that character is something that the fans would have loved to see. But, according to DC Studios co-CEO Peter Safran said the movie was unreleasable and he applauded the decision to cancel it.

Fraser and Leslie Grace don’t agree with Safran and are disappointed that the movie didn’t get a fair shake. The question is, will either of these actors want to work with WB again after what they did with Batgirl? In a recent interview with Variety, Fraser was asked that question, and this was his response:

"Maybe. Everything's contingent on what it's about, the role. The job's not easy to do, no matter who's producing it. I just finished up with Doom Patrol, which is also a DC property. That's a unique cast and conceit, and I loved that Riley Shanahan, an actor who wore all the gear and I would just do the voice. I could do my job in my long johns and no one would know because I was in a recording studio, so it was the best day job ever. Apart from that, I'm open to it." 

So, if DC ever wants to work with Fraser again, he’s at least open to having a discussion about it to see if it’s something he’d be interested in. The actor previously shared his thoughts on the movie, saying:

“They all say really good things about it. But the thing about it was it was screened in a garden-variety test screening. It was a director's cut, a first cut, it wasn't finished. I mean, I don't know about you, but I don't eat half-baked cake. I don't want to see something that's not ready yet. The sad thing is that I don't know if it was judged on merit. It wasn't shown in the best light that it could have been. I mean, yes, once you give a film to the people and the world, it's open season to criticize or praise it or whatever you want. But this didn't even really get a fair shake."

"Little girls are gonna have to wait longer now before they can see a Batgirl who they can identify that says 'hey she looks just like me too' in Leslie Grace and she was wonderful. Oh gosh, she was good, really terrific. She's a firecracker. Like dynamite comes in small packages for a reason. She's a dynamo."

Grace also shared her thoughts on the cut of the film that she saw, saying:

"That’s the one thing I asked for. I got to see the film as far as it got to; the film wasn’t complete by the time that it was tested. There were a bunch of scenes that weren’t even in there. They were at the beginning of the editing process, and they were cut off because of everything going on at the company. But the film that I got to see — the scenes that were there — was incredible. There was definitely potential for a good film, in my opinion. Maybe we’ll get to see clips of it later on.”

I’m sure that we’ll see a Batgirl movie made one day, but when it does, I imagine there will be a whole new cast and crew behind it. We’ll just have to wait and see!

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