Here’s an amusing and cool sci-fi short film for you to watch titled Uprising. In it, humanity is being tea-bagged, kill-shotted, and yo-mama-joked out of existence by robots who think they're teenage gamers.

Uprising was directed by Ben Hansford and it stars John Gemberling, Meaghan Rath, and Ramona Young. Here are some additional details:

Gaming super-nerd Bernie Meckler is having the worst day of his life. He’s just failed to woo his secret love, his roomies have begun their online tourney without him, and — oh yeah — the robot apocalypse has just begun. Now Bernie must survive hordes of murderous Hellbots, packs of driverless Priuses, and his numerous physical inadequacies — to hopefully save the world.

I had a lot of fun watching this movie and not only does it deliver some good laughs, but it also features some decent CGI effects work. Check it out!

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