As DC fans are excited to see Henry Cavill back in the role of Superman, we are wondering what the future of the character looks like in the DC Cinematic Universe. Cavill previously teased that the next story they tell will feature a “joyful Superman,” and that’s something the fans loved hearing! He said

“The character means so much to me. It’s been five years now. I never gave up hope. It’s amazing to be here now talking about it again. There is such a bright future ahead for the character. I’m so excited to tell a story with an enormously joyful Superman.”

We need to see a joyful Superman in the world that we live in, we all want to be inspired by this iconic character! Cavill also said that he wants “to make people feel powerful – to make people feel like Superman themselves." When people leave the theater, he said he wants them to “feel like they can fly, to feel like they can protect, and to feel like they want to give to everyone else. That would be my goal."

Now comic book writer Dan Jurgens has shared his thoughts on the Man of Steel and the kind of hero he needs to be for the world today, and I love what he says. He told CB:

"In many ways I would say it's kind of the same that Superman in a way has always been. If we go back to his original introduction in 1938, Superman was clearly sort of this champion of the people. This champion of justice that fought lower-level things – even like slumlords, if we go back to those very early appearances. But I think in terms of Superman representing these ideals of truth and justice – those are things that never fall out of favor. So I don't know that we need a changed Superman, I think what we do have are times where those things become a little more relevant and a little more important than perhaps they were a couple of years ago. And I think Superman represents that."

It’s a perfect answer… the same Superman hero that he’s always been! A Champion for the people! Jurgens went on to say:

"One of the things I've always been asked over the years was this idea of, 'Well, is Superman falling out of flavor? Is he too much the Big Blue Boy Scout? Or are his ideals too retro and too old?' And to that I have always said, 'Well if you're going to say that someone is doing the right thing is too old school, or if someone who represents truth and justice is too old school, that's not a commentary on the character: that's commentary on us.' And so I think what Superman is able to do is provide this touchpoint, where we can look at ourselves through him in a way: and when we do find out that we have maybe this greater need for Superman, I think it's because we're the ones who have drifted too far. Not Superman." 

Yes! I 100% agree! That’s a mic-drop response! This guy gets it, this guy understands Superman! He and Cavill have a lot of the same viewpoints on the heroic character. Let’s get this guy working with Cavill on the movie!

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