Believe it or not, the director of Terrifier 2, Damien Leon, has his limits and there are certain lines he won’t cross in terms of ultra-bloody violence. The film is already making people pass out and vomit, but they did have ideas to include other insane things that didn’t make it to the final cut because he felt those ideas went too far and were too distasteful.

He shared one idea in an interview with Variety that didn’t make it to the final cut of the film, which focuses on a killer clown named Art, who's on the murderous hunt for a teenage girl and her younger brother. Leon explained:

"Art the Clown likes to play with people's entrails. There's the scene where he cuts off a man's penis. He could have taken it further. We had conversations of things he could do once he took the guy's penis off. We explored those and joked about it, but then we said, 'No, that's way too far. That's too distasteful.'"

For those of you who are curious about those ideas that took things too far, Leon went on to reveal:

"Possibly making a balloon animal out of it, or something like that. But we absolutely can't do that. It was actually [Art the Clown actor] Dave [Howard Thornton]'s suggestion. We're always trying to one-up each other and come up with sick things, but that was too far for me."

Yeah, considering how some audience members are responding to the film, it's probably best they cut it out. At the same time, though, he already took the content of the film to some extreme limits that are messing audience members up. If you take it that far, why stop there?

In the end, that’s definitely something I didn’t need to see! When talking about the pressure of making a violent horror film and topping the first film’s insane hacksaw scene, the director told SFX magazine:

"Absolutely. It seemed like our duty to at least try and come close to that. When we were making the first film, I knew that it might get lost in a sea of thousands of other films. I thought, 'We have to show things that Hollywood may not necessarily have the balls to do!' And now people have tattoos of that scene! For Terrifier 2, it was a little nerve-wracking. There are only so many ways you can dissect a human being! But we really did swing for the fences. There's maybe triple the amount of kills and, like, four really hardcore set-pieces."

Terrifier 2 is currently playing in theaters in the US and is available on DVD and Blu-ray in the UK. What are your thoughts on the scene that the director thought was taking things too far? Have you seen the film yet? If so, what did you think?

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